This will require a bit of common sense when assessing the situation. But for my minor burn, I can 100% state that it worked. This thanksgiving, I grabbed a hot pan by the handle, that I didn’t know was hot. It was a cast iron handle at that. I immediately headed to the fridge to find yellow mustard. The blister was already beginning. I slathered yellow mustard right on the burn, did not even rinse with cold water first. I will say the mustard stings for a few minutes. Is that because its taking the burn out? Is the science because mustard has turmeric and/or is a vinegar-based product? Not sure but whatever the reason it works- one of the important mustard uses is for burns. Although there are various home remedies for burns, such as oatmeal or a cold pack, many people who have tried it head for the refrigerator door first, and slather on a generous smattering of yellow mustard. Mustard for burns relieves the stinging almost instantly and stimulates healing.
Mild Burn Relief: First, run the affected area under cool water. Spread a thick layer of cool, yellow mustard around the burn. Once the mustard dries, you can start to experience pain once again, rinse away the dried mustard, and repeat a second layer of cold mustard. Re-apply as required. If applied quickly sufficiently, this can sometimes decrease the chances of blistering. If you are seriously burned, seek medical attention immediately. Minor burns usually do not require medical attention, but it is essential to seek help from a medical practitioner if you believe that your burn is extreme or deeper than a first-degree burn.
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