Floor Cleaning Tips for Spring

House Cleaning Service, Memphis - Floor Cleaning Tips for Spring

House Cleaning Service, Memphis - Floor Cleaning Tips for SpringCleaning the floors is my least favorite job of all, so I have gathered a few tips to help me get it done quickly and in the best manner.  Happy cleaning!

  1. Hardwood Flooring – If you have waxed Hardwood floors, you will want to stay away from liquid products and go with a duster and or a broom as often as you feel necessary. If they are not waxed, add a small amount of mild soap, about ¼ cup per gallon of water and a soft mop and you are all set.
  2. Bamboo Flooring – Bamboo is a new favorite for sustainable flooring. You will want to approach this in the same way you would a hardwood.
  3. Natural Stone – If your stone tiles are sealed you can easily use a damp microfiber mop and warm water for this job. Do not use chemicals as this could penetrate the stones and leave a stain or mark.
  4. Porcelain Tile – For a deep cleaning, you can you a stem mop about once a month. For spot cleaning and on a weekly basis you will want to use a vinegar based spray to kill germs and clear away spill and stains.

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