How to Remove Red Kool-Aid Stains

How to Remove Red Kool-Aid Stains - House Cleaning Services, Memphis TN

How to Remove Red Kool-Aid Stains - House Cleaning Services, Memphis TNBack to school can cause spills while rushing out the door. Note: Using a wet/dry vac can be used for extraction instead of a towel.

Wondering how to get red stains out of carpet? The reason why Kool-Aid stains are difficult to eliminate on carpet, or upholstery is the presence of dyes. Kool-Aid has the ability to stain your carpet; however, if you act fast, the stain doesn’t have to be permanent.

How to Remove Kool Aid Stains from Carpet – Upon discovering the Kool-Aid stain, it’s important to act as quickly as possible before the stain sets into the carpet fibers. Use a few clean paper towels, or better yet, a wet/dry vacuum to suck up the spill.

Take 1 cup of warm water and mix it with ½ teaspoon of mild liquid dishwashing detergent. Apply this cleaning solution directly onto the Kool-Aid stain using a clean white cloth (using a white cloth will help you see how much of the Kool-Aid is being absorbed from the carpet). Start from the outside of the stain and work your way in, being careful not to spread the stain onto other areas of the carpet. Do your best to blot the Kool-Aid stain. Do not scrub, because it can damage the carpet fiber.

If you can still see the Kool-Aid stain, mix 2 cups of water with 1 cup of white vinegar. Using this white vinegar solution and a clean white cloth, repeat steps 1 through 3. After applying the white vinegar to remove red Kool-Aid from carpet, if the stain is still visible, mix 1 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Apply this ammonia solution directly onto the remaining stain and blot from the outside in. There is a chance the ammonia may lighten the carpet slightly, so be sure to test the ammonia on a smaller area of carpet before applying a large amount.
Once the Kool-Aid stain is no longer visible, apply cold water directly to the stain to rinse the carpet. Blot up with white towels or use your wet/dry vac to remove any remaining moisture.

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