Winter Cleaning Ideas

Winter Cleaning Ideas - House Cleaning Services, Memphis TN

Winter Cleaning Ideas - House Cleaning Services, Memphis TNThere are certain things you should attend to every winter. These tasks ensure that your house performs efficiently, thus saving you money. They make perfect activities for when you are snowed in or can’t get out. The staff at Clean & Pink can help you with these tasks.

1. HVAC – Replace your air filters and consider having your air ducts and vents professionally cleaned.

2. Clean Behind the Fridge – At least once a year, pull your refrigerator away from the wall. Also, don’t forget to clean the refrigerator coils.

3. Clean the Dryer Vents – Clean your dryer vents to avoid a fire hazard.

4. Deep Clean the Kitchen – Clean out and reorganize your drawers and cabinets. Also get rid of things you don’t need.

5. Steam Carpets and Furniture – Also consider professional steam cleaning for heavily soiled furniture or high traffic areas.

6. Clean and Degrease the Oven – Cleaning your oven prevents smoking and fires and reduces strong food odors.

For help with the deep cleaning call Clean & Pink to schedule an appointment!

Clean and Pink – Cleaning Service in Memphis, Tennessee

Cleaning Services in Memphis, Tennessee. Clean & Pink offers the following cleaning and professional services for:

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