Lipstick Stains

Cleaning Service in Memphis, TN - Lipstick Stains

Cleaning Service in Memphis, TN - Lipstick StainsHappy Valentine’s Day from everyone here at Clean & Pink!  We are here to remind you how much we love and cherish each and every one of you.  Now, let’s get straight to our exciting Valentine’s week!  For a holiday like this, you will want to look and feel your best.  Lipstick will be a lot of people’s go-to while dressing up and going out.  Whether you are the one wearing the lipstick or around someone who does, these tips may just save your holiday.


To remove lipstick stains from carpet, first grab a towel and a butter knife and scrape gently as much of the lipstick out of the carpet as possible.  Do NOT rub in, be very gentle, you don’t want it even deeper in your carpet fibers.  Next, soak a white cotton cloth in rubbing alcohol.  Make sure it is damp, not dripping.  Dab at the stain working outside, then in.  Repeat this until there is only a faint mark left.  Lastly, mix two cups of cool water and three drops of dishwashing detergent in a spray bottle and with a new cloth spray and blot the stain until you are left with a nice clean carpet.


If it is not a delicate fabric, apply a piece of tape to the lipstick stain and remove it.  This will also remove excess lipstick on the spot.  You can also blot the spot with alcohol or vinegar soaked cotton balls, if it is appropriate for the fabric of your clothing.  You can also apply a stain remover of your choice or detergent to both sides of the stain.  Follow the instructions on whichever product that you decide to use.  Rinse the stain in warm water, dabbing it, and then once the stain is removed wash as usual.

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