Cleaning Tips


Cleaning Tips offer quick and easy cleaning tips that you can add to your regular cleaning routine!

Magic Eraser Part 2

Last week I took a basic stab and explaining the Magic Eraser sold by Mr. Clean and many other brands. Many have the same scientific make up, but different people are processing and making using; more/less, of the same ingredient. Diluted or not all magic erasers are cleaning pads. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser developed by Proctor and Gamble (now ...

Helpful Cleaning Tips and beyond:

“Many times, over the years that I have owned Clean & Pink Residential Cleaning Service; I have often wished for a robot. Yes, a robot who could potentially, alleviate any human error ratio while cleaning. We as humans will have a % of human error while cleaning any home, even our own. So, until there are robots doing my cleaning, ...

Residential Cleaning Memphis

Clean & Pink was established five years ago by founder and entrepreneur Heather Donaho who identified a need in the Memphis area market to provide a “Good Housekeeping” type of approach to residential cleaning. “Our company motto is ‘cleaning is a science not a chore’ says Donaho. The company credits it’s growth and success on dependable, reliable and consistently good ...