Cleaning Tips


Cleaning Tips offer quick and easy cleaning tips that you can add to your regular cleaning routine!
Remove Stains With Shaving Cream - Cleaning Service in Memphis, TN

Remove Stains With Shaving Cream

I grabbed this image of the web site because I have only used this brand when using shaving cream to removes stubborn stains. YES, SHAVING CREAM. Got makeup on your shirt? Apply a dollop of shaving cream to a foundation stain. Let this dwell/ sit for a few minutes and then work the material to loosen. Let sit again for ...

Things You Should Pitch Before Starting a New In 2022 - Cleaning Service in Memphis, TN

Things You Should Pitch Before Starting a New In 2022

Pitch the old sponge: question….why do we hang on to the same sponges for over a month? You would think they cost 25$ per sponge. This sinky item hangs around way to long. Pitch them twice a month. BTW… Popping in the dishwasher, or microwave is for a “one more time use” not another week. They break down and are ...

New Year’s History: Festive Facts - Cleaning Service in Memphis, TN

New Year’s History: Festive Facts

What does “Auld Lang Syne” mean, and why do we sing the song at midnight on New Year’s Eve? “Auld Lang Syne,” the title of a Scottish folk song that many English speakers sing at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, roughly translates to “days gone by.” The poet Robert Burns is credited with transcribing, adapting, and partially ...

Stop Sticking! - Memphis Cleaning Service

Stop Sticking!

You may have learned of this trick years ago. But if you have not, it will be one to remember. If you are tired of scraping stickers off your new stuff, use WD. Herman Ensey of Scottsbluff, Nebraska says, “Remove sticky price tags from glass by spraying with WD-40. “It works well.” You’ll be amazed at how the stickers come ...

Moldy Coffee Anyone? - Memphis Cleaning Service

Moldy Coffee Anyone?

Gross. Clean and Pink when cleaning your home will take the time to clean the outside of these electronics, but homeowners should know these things get moldy. Click Here for step by step instructions. Clean and Pinks quick guide- Unplug machine, place the removable parts in hot soapy dishwater, vinegar, or alcohol equal parts. Put back together and run vinegar ...

Oh Christmas Tree - Memphis Cleaning Service

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

So, Thanksgiving will come and go, then it’s on to pulling out the Christmas décor. For most the Christmas Tree is a main event, for others it means a mess is about to occur from the front door to through the house leaving pine needs and sap marks on the hard wood floor! So, here’s the deal. Before Dad or ...

Clean Fireplace Doors - Memphis Cleaning Service

Clean Fireplace Doors

Everyone likes to cozy up next to a warm fire in the cold winter months, but the party foul might be, dirty fireplace doors. For me that’s a deal breaker. So get those clean before you and yours hang by the fire. Here is how- Mix 1/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1/4 cup cornstarch in a ...

Try Laundry Stripping! - Memphis Cleaning Service

Try Laundry Stripping!

Think your sheets and towels are clean when you pull them out of the washing machine? Think again. Laundry stripping — soaking items in hot water, Borax, washing soda (also known as sodium carbonate and available at many retailers like Walmart, Target and Amazon) and laundry soap in your bathtub or washing machine — has become a huge trend. Viral ...

How to Clean a Cloth Headboard Without the Use of a Vacuum - Memphis Cleaning Service

How to Clean a Cloth Headboard Without the Use of a Vacuum

TIP: If you do not have a handheld vacuum, you can use a dry microfiber cloth. Simply place the microfiber around your hand tightly, or scrunch in the palm of your hand leaving enough to work with or use rubber bands around your hand to keep in place, your pick. The importance is that its secure and can be used ...

Pet Hair…. GET OUT OF MY RUGS! - Memphis Cleaning Service


If you have pets, then you know the hair gets embedded in carpet or area rugs. You can find a long-handled squeegee at most chemical supply companies such as Home Depot. If you don’t have one in your city, check a local AutoZone. Use the squeegee as if you are raking the carpet. Using this technique, the hair will begin ...

A Clean Shower is a Happy Shower! - Memphis Cleaning Service

A Clean Shower is a Happy Shower!

This is a Clean and Pink Client shower, we clean every other week. Training the staff to clean the shelves, bottles, and razor handles is constant with each new hire, but what a difference it makes! Thank you Autumn and Kayley. Happy Showering Clean and Pink customers! Clean & Pink offers the following cleaning and professional services in the Memphis, ...

Cleaning the White Space - Memphis Cleaning Service

Cleaning the White Space

In master baths such as this one, its easy to overlook dried hairspray, or product dribbles on the floor, vanity or even on the shower floor. The flooring is all the same color, and the tiles are large cuts, so the grout becomes more camouflaged. The best way to clean this type of flooring is with a mixture of one ...

What Does Labor Day Mean? - Memphis Cleaning Service

What Does Labor Day Mean?

Labor Day 2021 will occur on Monday, September 6. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day weekend also symbolizes the end of summer for ...

A Must Have Cleaning Tool! - Memphis Cleaning Service

A Must Have Cleaning Tool!

Clean and Pink has been using this tool, strategically for a decade. This tool has been around for over 75 years. Read about it, its abrasive and can only be used on certain things. Demo small areas before using and wear gloves. The pumice rock is abrasive. I use on toilets and rust areas in bathrooms. Experienced cleaning companies such ...

The FUNCK That Lives On Your Keyboards - Memphis Cleaning Service

The FUNCK That Lives On Your Keyboards

Get out the vinegar. It’s a disinfectant that kills Coronavirus. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health tested various keyboards and found that they contained strains of everything from Bacillus (which can cause a host of diseases) to Staphylococcus aureus (which can cause upper respiratory tract infections). To disinfect your keyboard, use a toothbrush with one part vinegar to one ...

When Cleaning Don’t Get Overwhelmed - Memphis Cleaning Service

When Cleaning Don’t Get Overwhelmed

Clean and Pink cleans numerous high-end homes on a weekly basis. For these homeowner’s cleaning is top priority and expectations are high. Cleaning this home must be scientific, scheduled, outlined, and managed. Clean and Pink recommends cleaning weekly. The cleaning can move at a rapid pace with little error ratio. Tip: Ceilings, especially textured ones, can be a pain to ...

Pressure Stinks - Memphis Cleaning Service

Pressure Stinks!

If your Instant Pot sealing ring smells or is stained, soak it in with a mixture of vinegar and water in your sink, a sheet pan, or any other vessel in your kitchen. Let it soak for as long as you want (an hour is great if you can spare the time), wash it with dish soap, and leave it out ...

Magnificent Cleaning Jobs - Memphis Cleaning Service

Magnificent Cleaning Jobs

Magnificent cleaning jobs are done by an expert cleaner.  One who is not looking at cleaning as a chore but rather a science. This is exactly how I started Clean and Pink Cleaning Company, 11 years ago. My mantra being “it’s a science not a chore”™. The science is proper cleaning technique and understanding products. This shower door had permeated ...

In Honor of our Hero's - Memphis Cleaning Service

In Honor of our Hero’s

Wishing all a very happy and safe 4th of July week. Observation today, Monday July 5th. Remember what it is…. that you stand for. If nothing else, be kind in all you do. In loving kindness, remember everyone that served for this flag, with this flag and under this flag. We thank you! On behalf of Clean and Pink HAPPY ...

It’s All About Toilets! - Memphis Cleaning Service

It’s All About Toilets!

Most people notice when a toilet is clean or dirty. I DO and a dirty toilet grosses me out! Why people allow dirty bathrooms in restaurant, is beyond my comprehension.  Here is a home-made toilet cube. 1 cup baking soda, ¼ cup citric acid, 1 tbsp dish soap.  Lightly stir to mix. Shape into cubes to be placed in ice ...

Cleaning Agent for Showers and Tubs - Memphis Cleaning Service

Cleaning Agent for Showers and Tubs

This little cleaning tip is a jewel. I personally use this on one of my shower floors. This particular shower floor tends to get mold growth faster than others.  As founder of a Residential Cleaning Company, I understand bathrooms, ventilation, textures, various materials, rock, stone and tiles, drip pans, sheet rock. All are relative to mold growth.  In between mold ...

Cleaning Hack for Sheet Pans - Memphis Cleaning Service

Cleaning Hack for Sheet Pans

We all have them….gross, stained pizza, cookie or bacon sheet pans that we can’t get clean.  There are many hacks that work on some things and not on others. But sheet pans are basic. This has worked on every sheet pan in my house.  On a clean surface and dry sheet pan, sprinkle (do not pour) baking soda on the ...

Memorial Day - Memphis Cleaning Service

Memorial Day


Vinegar isn’t just for cooking! - Memphis Cleaning Service

Vinegar isn’t just for Cooking!

The power of distilled white vinegar! Not only does it make clothing more vibrant (even dark clothes) it kills mildew and is great for a variety of stains. Try white vinegar on tea/coffee, grass, tomato-based stains, sweat stains and much more! But never use vinegar with bleach!

Shaving cream isn’t just for Shaving - Memphis Cleaning Service

Shaving cream isn’t just for Shaving

I grabbed this image of the web site because I have only used this brand when using shaving cream to removes stubborn stains. YES, SHAVING CREAM. Got makeup on your shirt? Apply a dollop of shaving cream to a foundation stain. Let this dwell/ sit for a few minutes and then work the material to loosen. Let sit again for ...

How to Get Motor Oil or Grease out of Clothing - Memphis Cleaning Service

How to Get Motor Oil or Grease out of Clothing

Clean and Pink found this tip on you tube and tested it. It works but it requires a little patience . If you get oil on your clothes, the best thing to do is to blot immediately. When you can, remove your shirt to blot the oil with a clean paper towel on both sides of the fabric, until the ...

Use A Squeegee To Remove Hair From Your Carpet - Memphis Cleaning Service

Use A Squeegee To Remove Hair From Your Carpet

If you have a house full of children and pets, you know the struggle of trying to remove hair from carpets, blankets, and upholstered furniture. Sometimes vacuuming just doesn’t cut it, but this cleaning tip will. Use your trusted bathroom squeegee to scrape over your carpets or rugs to lift up embedded hairs and dust that get pushed down by ...

Spring Blind Cleaning - Memphis Cleaning Service

Spring Blind Cleaning

Hello my fellow Memphians! Spring is upon us and most people do not have the time or desire to clean window blinds in their home. Dirty Blinds happen to be one of my favorite things to clean, now that I found the best method for blinds that can’t be taken down and disassemble for cleaning. I warn you, it takes ...